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5 Easy Remodeling Ideas To Do this Summer

5 Easy Remodeling Ideas To Do this Summer

The summer is the best time to get your creativity flowing and tackle those home improvement ideas you’ve been sitting on for the past few months. Last week, we talked about some remodeling mistakes to avoid that will save you time and money. Now let’s get into 5 easy remodeling ideas to do this summer.  Decorative Curtains: Starting off with an easy and cost-effective idea, new curtains are a great way to add color, personal style, or an aesthetic to...
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9 Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid This Summer

The summer season is the opportune time to get started on your remodeling dreams. After being cooped up for the winter months due to the cold, you might have come up with some ideas on how to improve the look and/or functionality of your home. Before jumping into any renovations, read over these 9 common remodeling mistakes to avoid this summer.  Skipping Inspections The first renovation mistake to avoid starts before you even move into the house. Don’t be afraid...
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What To Look For When Buying a House

There’s a lot to consider when buying a house for the first time. You already know you need to take into account location, nearby schools, and the number of bedrooms. But what about the house’s plumbing, heating, and cooling systems? Here is a list of what to look for when buying a house that you might not have heard of before. Here are some things you can do and questions you can ask during your next open house to assess...
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